Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Rubbing Elbows with the President

Ok, so not necessisarily rubbing elbows, but more like rubbings of presidents.

Dipping into my preschool bag of tricks, looking for a project to do with the littles while discussing what it means to have a new president, I came across this fast and fun project.

Coins of various denominations
White paper
broken color crayons (at our house that is pronounced crowns don't aks why)
craft sticks

Lucky us, we has some half dollars and silver dollars.
Place the white paper over the coin.
Rub with the side of the crayon on the paper to reveal the presidents face.
Cut on the line to incorporate fine motor skills.
Glue the coin rubbing onto the craft stick.

Enrichment Activities:
Discuss the differences between the coins including size, shape, and color.
Ask why do some face the left and others face right.
Sort by attributes.

For older ones:
Think about conversations the presidents would have had if they were alive at the same time. Make up conversations to tell a story.

Find the sum, difference, product or quotient of various presidents.
1 Roosevelt + 2 Jeffersons + 5 Lincolns = 1 Washington

You know you always wanted to rub elbows with George Washington,

There you have it!

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